Wednesday, 23 March 2011


From the work done by the Motorsports Focus Group in January the Task Force has been established. MARCS (Motorsports, Arts, Racing, Culture and Sports) has had two meetings to discuss the next steps for Motorsports in Calgary.

To Keep everyone who is passionate about the sport informed of what is going on, MARCS has established a Blog Site and Twitter account to begin informing motorsports enthusiasts of the what is going on in Calgary.

While still in its infancy, the group has begun to lay ground rules, set tasks and timelines to ensure Motorsports has a voice.

As the group progresses, more updates will be added to the Blog.

Below are the links to the Blog, Twitter and email. I encourage you to bookmark the blog site, follow MARCS on Twitter and stay in touch with the group. We will send out and post information as the group moves forward.

We would like to keep all interested Motorsports enthusiats informed on what is going. If you would like to be added to our contact list, drop us an email with your name and contact information.

Twitter: @MARCSYYC  

Monday, 21 March 2011

The Future of Motorsports in Calgary

The inaugural meeting of the Motorsports Task Force was held on March 9, 2011, to brainstorm the next steps for the future Motorsports in Calgary.

The initial boundaries of the group’s reach were established during this meeting, to investigate the viability of a multi-faceted entertainment group.

Donning the moniker of MARCS, the task force will solicit interest from groups representing a variety of like minded groups in the area of Motorsports, Arts, Racing, Culture and Sports (MARCS)

The group will meet every two weeks.

More details to follow.